☆☆☆☆MSPian Stars ☆☆☆☆
Hurrah! MSPian have prove themselves again in JEE(Mains)Exam:
☆”Vaibhav Khandelwal S/O Mr.Vinod Khandelwal” and ☆”Rahul Goyal S/O Mukul Kumar Goyal” are the regular students of the year 2019 -20 (CBSE-Foundation) of class 12 in MSP(Maths Success Point).
# They have performed marvelous,magnificent and wonderful in JEE (Mains) January 2020 Examination.
☆Vaibhav Khandelwal S/O Mr.Vinod Khandewal, Roll Number RJ06109519 ,Application Number 200310253959 scores 93%
☆Rahul Goyal S/O Mukul Kumar Goyal, Roll Number RJ06110683,Application No. 200310125894 scores 91%
# All the members of MSP Family congratulate them for their grand Success and wish them good luck for their future.
#All the members of MSP Family also give their full guidance and support to them so that they will able to perform much better in JEE (Advance) examination.
Dr.Anil Kumar Sharma

JEE 2019